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Interface Action

Action (Drafts)

The ThoughtAsylum library includes a set of extensions to the Action object


  • Action



Readonly _description

_description: string

The description for the action. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _icon

_icon: string

The internal name of the action's icon. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyCommand

_keyCommand: Boolean

A Boolean that is true it the action is set to require the command key modifier for any keyboard shortcut it utilises. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyControl

_keyControl: Boolean

A Boolean that is true it the action is set to require the control key modifier for any keyboard shortcut it utilises. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyHas

_keyHas: Boolean

A Boolean that is true it the action has a keyboard shortcut specified. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyInput

_keyInput: string

The text character that describes the key (without modifiers) to trigger the action. An empty string indicates no keyboard shortcut is assigned to the action. Special trigger characters are also catered for. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyOption

_keyOption: Boolean

A Boolean that is true it the action is set to require the option key modifier for any keyboard shortcut it utilises. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyShift

_keyShift: Boolean

A Boolean that is true it the action is set to require the shift key modifier for any keyboard shortcut it utilises. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _keyShortcut

_keyShortcut: string

A string of text that describes the keyboard combination to trigger the action. An empty string indicates no keyboard shortcut is assigned to the action. Special trigger characters are also catered for. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _logLevel

_logLevel: number

The internal numeric ID that identifies the level of logging applied to the action. Possible values are, 0 (none), 1 (errors), or 2 (all). This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _logLevelDescription

_logLevelDescription: number

The description that identifies the level of logging applied to the action. Possible values are, None (0), Errors (1), or All (2). This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _notificationLevel

_notificationLevel: number

The internal numeric ID that identifies the notification level applied to the action. Possible values are, 0 (none), 1 (errors), or 2 (all). This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _notificationLevelDescription

_notificationLevelDescription: number

The description that identifies the notification level applied to the action. Possible values are, None (0), Errors (1), or All (2). This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _shouldConfirm

_shouldConfirm: Boolean

A Boolean that is true it the action requires confirmation to run it. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _steps

_steps: number

The number of steps that the action contains. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.

Readonly _tintColor

_tintColor: string

The colour of the action's icon. Possible values are none, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet. This is populated by running the TA_actionPopulateMore() function.



  • TA_getAllActions(): Action[]
  • Get all actions. Return an array of action objects for all installed actions.

    // Example

    Returns Action[]


  • TA_populateMore(): void
  • Populate an action object with additional properties based on data in the installation URL. The additional properties this function populates are prefixed with an underscore and include:
    _description, _steps, _shouldConfirm, _icon, _tintColor, _logLevel, _logDescription, _notificationLevel, _notificationLevelDescription _keyShortcut, _keyShift, _keyControl, _keyOption, _keyCommand, _keyinput.

    // Example
    let acCurrent = Action.find("TAD");

    Returns void